Friday, April 11, 2008

Guilt is Fattening

I had just finished a great 30 minute Curves workout, when I was running out the door to make my car appointment. Sifting through my purse, looking for my car keys, I saw the apple I’d been meaning to eat for the last three days. I thought to myself, “Great! I’ll eat this while I’m waiting for my car to be serviced.”

I made it to the dealership just in time, where I was greeted with kind courtesy and escorted to an incredibly cozy-comfy waiting area. It was actually pretty swanky for a car dealership!

Scanning the room for the perfect seat, I couldn’t help but notice the complimentary pastries, and instantly my mouth had a mission. I decided not to make a beeline for the sweets, and instead, took my seat, waited a couple of minutes, then casually made my way over to select my treat.

I chose an oatmeal raisin cookie over a doughnut- that was “better”- and reclaimed my seat with satisfaction. This was certainly a high quality cookie- raisins in every bite! I was thoroughly enjoying it, and then…

Halfway through my cookie, I realized that I had completely forgotten about my apple, again! But before any guilt could creep in, something even more shocking caught my attention, and it made me laugh:

There, directly in my line of view, was a huge bowl of fresh fruit. It was so big, I couldn’t even see the cookies and doughnuts behind it! Yet it had somehow melted into the scenery of “everything else but the sweets.”

I had a long moment of self-reflection. I acknowledged my habit of going for sweets first before fruit, decided I want to be more conscious of what I eat… and then I continued to eat my cookie- in peace.

I could have felt badly about myself and my habit, but I didn’t. In years prior, I would have plunged full on into the downward spiral of self-judgment. I’m happy I’ve learned to be kinder to myself.

Without judgment, I set my intention on the choice I want to make in the future- to at least notice the fruit in the first place :-)

There is one final thought I would like to leave you with. What I know from personal experience and from working with clients is this: Whatever you decide to eat, enjoy it. Guilt is fattening.

Love & Smiles,
Niki Svara