Saturday, November 24, 2007

Limiting Beliefs

Imagine you're watching someone on a treadmill, and to your surprise you find yourself yelling out to this person:

"Why bother? You're never going to look the way you want to anyway... even if you do lose weight, you're just going to gain it back again. Look how long it's taking to see results!"

How do you think the person on the treadmill feels in hearing your negative comments? How would you feel if it was you receiving that kind of criticism? Do you think your workout would be as effective as it could be? Probably not...

The dynamic I'm describing here is one that you are probably more familiar with than you think... where you are the one on the treadmill. Yet, you are not being criticized by someone else watching and yelling things at you. Instead, the criticism is originating from within you, from the limiting beliefs you've developed about yourself, over the years, probably unbeknownst to you.

Whether you're trying to lose weight, tone up, or just get into better shape, you may be surprised at some of the limiting and self-judgmental beliefs you have that are keeping you from reaching your goals.

Here are some questions for your consideration:

~ What are some goals you've wanted to accomplish, that you haven't been able to make happen yet? or, where have you been feeling "stuck?" (this applies to your body and body image, and to just about everything else)

~ What do you think some of your underlying, limiting beliefs could be that are holding you back from moving forward?

~ What's your next best step?

Much Love,


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