Saturday, September 19, 2009

Take A Listen To My New Song... clicking on the play button to the left of this screen
(just under "Take A Listen...")

I wrote this song, I Want The World To See, with love in my heart for every woman and man who has ever struggled with their weight or body image. I especially hope to inspire teenagers to love and accept themselves just the way they are.

Please feel free to let your friends and family know about my blog if you think they might like the song :-)

much love,
Niki Svara

I Want The World To See
Vocals: Niki Svara (
Guitars: Stacey Evans
Arranged by Stacey Evans
Produced by Jimmy Hunter (


Tanya Harmon said...

Ah, we all just want to feel o.k. don't we. So happy for you Niki, this is beautiful.

Unknown said...

A beautiful voice..a lovely gift to the world. Thank you.

Sara said...

I was so moved by your song. Thank you for sharing your gift!

Gloria said...

Niki, You have such a beautiful voice, and I love the message you bring with you song. My you are multi-talented. I read about you on Ronnie's myspace page. I try to keep up with Ole, and the rest, but haven't seen then for a while.
I'll be looking forward to more songs from you in the future. Gloria

Gloria said...

Niki, You have a beautiful voice, and I love the message you bring with your song. I read about you on Ronnie's myspace page. I try to keep up with Ole and the band, although I haven't seen them for a while.
Hope you'll be doing more songs in the future, take care, Gloria

Unknown said...

you have a great voice, niki. thanks for sharing your music and inspiration!